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Talent Acquisition Technology Trends

Technology Trends

Kicking off with an assessment of the current landscape of automation in the workspace, the study by Bersin lays out an impactful portrait of how mechanization is gradually modifying the way we work. Citing multiple studies and reports, the article highlights that this influence isn’t a passing wave but a seismic shift bound to gain momentum in the forthcoming years, underlining the necessity for HR professionals to be ahead of this curve.

Bersin, backed by compelling evidence from a series of labor market surveys, asserts that for HR professionals to effectively navigate the wave of automation, they must concentrate their efforts on three crucial facets:

Concluding the piece with a set of actionable suggestions, Bersin outlines the steps HR professionals can take to equip themselves and their organizations for this new wave:

Bersin’s analysis offers an exhaustive exploration of the workplace of the future and the role of HR professionals in an era of automation. It presents a critical resource for HR professionals seeking to understand and tackle the challenges and opportunities offered by an automated workplace.

On further reflection

The insightful, well-structured analysis offers a comprehensive overview of the future of work and automation’s implications for HR professionals. It is a must-read for those wishing to stay informed about the rapidly evolving world of work and the proactive steps HR can take to prepare for it.

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