Influence of CSR on Your Employer Brand
Looking for ways to amplify your corporate image? It might be time to turn your attention towards the social responsibility and charity initiatives that your organization partakes in annually. If you’re not participating in these activities, you’re missing out on attracting potential employees, as well as boosting engagement and loyalty among your existing workforce. The reason? Employees are increasingly driven by the desire to make a positive impact, and they believe that organizations should do their part too. In fact, 64% of job seekers would decline an offer from a company that doesn’t demonstrate strong commitment to social responsibility.
Don’t risk losing out on attracting talent and improving employee engagement. Here’s how you can leverage social responsibility to enhance your corporate image:
The Backbone of Your Corporate Image: Your Current Employees
The bedrock of a company’s corporate image lies in its existing workforce. High levels of job satisfaction and employee retention act as a testament to a robust employer-employee relationship and a productive work environment, which in turn draw in new talent. Hence, integrating social responsibility initiatives with your current employees can enhance your corporate image.
Participation and Interaction
Recent workplace trends show that most contemporary businesses concentrate their hiring efforts on attracting the Millennial demographic. The last batch of Millennials are now graduating and entering the workforce – and you want them on your side. However, if social responsibility isn’t part of your agenda, you might find it challenging to appeal to them.
This new wave of Millennial workers seeks direct involvement in their employer’s social responsibility endeavors. They want assurances that their companies are committed to responsible practices, and they’re eager to learn about the specific actions being taken. A staggering 88% of Millennials deem it crucial for their employer to communicate goals, progress, and successes related to social responsibility efforts because they wish to participate and facilitate these initiatives. Transparency and collaboration in social responsibility-related matters can significantly aid in retaining and acquiring Millennial employees.
Opportunities for Influence
While all employees want a say in decisions, they prefer to contribute in their own unique ways. Modern employees are well-known for their desire for a balanced work-life, expecting their organizations to offer avenues for making a meaningful impact on their work environment outside regular working hours. Moreover, 83% of employees express the wish for their employer to provide volunteer opportunities that they could participate in alongside friends or family.
By giving your employees a variety of options to choose from, you allow them to select what aligns best with their interests. This not only highlights your efforts to benefit the community and your workforce but also enhances your overall corporate image.
Engagement and Interaction
Keeping employees engaged is a challenging task. When opportunities for involvement and social responsibility are scant, it can lead to a decline in effective engagement. The introduction of more social responsibility initiatives can inspire and change the way your employees engage within the company. The contemporary workforce is more likely to be motivated by opportunities that make them feel crucial to the company’s sustainability. 87% of employees state that personal acknowledgment is one of the most important motivators for job satisfaction. Hence, incorporating social responsibility initiatives that include employees can improve job satisfaction and help retain employees.
By tailoring social responsibility efforts to your employees’ interests, you enable them to make a difference and engage more profoundly with your business. This strategy can significantly boost your corporate image. If you’re unsure how to create a social responsibility plan that suits your organization, consider downloading our Social Responsibility Planner to stay organized and build a plan that benefits your business community!
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